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Fragrance: Sunset Beach

This makes a soft coconut scent with fruity notes.


  • 40 drops coconut fragrance oil
  • 30 drops vanilla fragrance oil
  • 10-12 drops cucumber/melon fragrance oil
  • 5-6 drops peach fragrance oil
  • 5 drops tangerine essential oil
  • 3 drops patchouli essential oil


  • Place the mix into a glass or nonporous container. This is a concentrated formula, so add these to a carrier oil or other body product or recipe base. Do not use directly, as it can cause irritations.


Fragrance vs Essential vs Extract Oils
The difference between them are how natural and beneficial health-wise they are. Essential oils are all natural and have many healthy benefits. It has many uses because it's the more purer form of the flavors/scents, thus you only need a little to go a long way. It also has the most medicinal property and can be used for health. So in general, essential oils are the all around go-to oils.
Extracts can be used in perfumes and even in cooking. It uses a much simpler method of process compared to essential and even fragrance oils. It is also not as strong, thus making it good for either more subtle scents or for flavoring. Since the flavors aren't as sharp as essential oils, it gives more versatile use in the culinary realm without over powering flavors.
Fragrance oils are synthetic and have very little health benefits aside from the effects of it's smell. It can contain some essential or extract oils and do last longer because they are at least mostly synthetic, but they cannot be used for food or medicinal use.
Though I list both essential oils and fragrance oils in my formulations, you are free to use purely one or the other. Just note that three of the oil types will have differences in strength and fragrance. Also do not use medal containers or utensils since metal can cause a chemical reaction in some oils. It's best to use glass or ceramic.