Quick Guides:
Female Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Male Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
(Female Names)
Afraima: hebrew-arabian: Fertile
Aina: Scandinavian: Forever
Amara: greek: Unfading
Amira: hebrew: Speech, words
Anastacia/Annastacia/Stacia: greek: Resurrection
Anieli (ah-nee-lee): greek: Manly
April: latin: Opening
Arlyn/Arlene/Arlienne/Arlen: old english: Man; A pledge
Asa: japanese: Shallow
Atara: hebrew: A crown
Atira/Aatira: muslim: Of good fragrance
Audentia: latin: Daring
Audny: norwegian: New prosperity
Audun: norwegian: Deserted
Avasa: hindu: Independent
Bahirah (bah-hear-rah): muslim: Brilliant, splendid
Beseza: persian: Extraordinary
Blenda: teutonic: Dazzling
Claelia (clay-lee-uh): roman: A Roman maiden
Corinne: greek: A maiden
Daima: turkish: Always
Dana: latin-hebrew: bright as day; to judge
Dilek: turkish: Wish, desire
Dincer: turkish: Lively, brisk
Dunya: muslim: World
Ebediyet (ehb-eh-dee-eht): turkish: Eternity
Edyth/Edythe: english: Rich gift
Emel: turkish: Ambition
Emera: teutonic: Industrious
Emily: latin: Industrious one
Fahima: muslim: Intelligent, disarming
Fancie: english: Imagination
Fatin (fah-ten): muslim: Fascinating, charming
Fleta: anglo-saxon: Swift
Fuka: japanese: Deep, also refers to the school uniform..^^;
Gemma: latin: Jewel
Gulgzel: turkish: Rose beauty
Gulbadan: persian: Rose body
Gulrukh: persian: Rose face
Hadiyah: muslim: Gift, valuable person
Hafiza: turkish: Memory
Hanife (hah-nee-feh): hebrew?: Lady
Hazine: turkish: Treasure
Ipek: turkish: Silk
Jalilah: muslim: Great, exalted
Janel/Jannell: irish: Darling
Jolene: welsh: “She will increase”
Julia/Julianna/Juli/Julianne: latin: Youthful
Kaiya: japanese: Forgiveness
Karima: muslim: Generous lady, bountiful; something invaluable
Kayla/Kelia: hebrew: Crown, laurel
Lari: english: Crowned with laurel
Latika: hindu: Elegant
Laurinda: latin: Crowned with laurel; praise
Liana: latin: Youth
Linette: celtic: Graceful
Logica: latin: Logic
Lorelle: latin: Little
Lubina: muslim: Flexible
Lucretia: latin: Riches
Lydia: greek: From Lydia
Lynn: welsh: A cascade
Mae (may): japanese: Front
Magdalen (mag-de-lin): greek: Tower
Mahala: native american: Woman
Mahira: hewbrew: Energetic
Maida/Mayda: welsh: A maiden
Maizah (mah-ee- zah): african: Discerning
Malaya: filipino: Free
Malina: hebrew: Tower
Marcia/Marzia: latin: Martial
Marhta: arabic: A lady
Matana: arabic: Gift
Maureen: celtic: Great
May: latin: Great
Mei: latin: Great one
Meta: latin: Ambitious
Mia (mee- uh): latin: Mine
Mignon (mee-nyown): old french: Dainty, petite
Min: korean: Cleverness
Mine (mee-neh): turkish: Enamel
Minda: native american: Knowledge
Moira: celtic: The Great
Nailah (nah-ee-lah): african: Succeeding
Naja: somalia: Success
Najah: muslim: Safe, rescued
Najibah (nah-jee-bah): muslim: Excellent
Narin: turkish: Delicate
Nawal: african: Gift, attainment
Nazirah (nah-zee-rah): arabic: Equal, like
Nehayat (neh-hay-aht): turkish: End, final
Neola: greek: Youthful
Nicole/Nicola: greek: Victory of the people
Nuha (noo-hah): muslim: Wisdom,prudence
Octavia: latin: Eighth
Odile (oh- deel): french: Rich
Orane (ohr-ah-nee): french: Rising
Pandora: greek: All gifted
Pantxike (pahn-chee- keh): latin: Free
Panya: latin: Crowned with laurel
Pasquale: french: Easter
Paula/Pauline: latin: Small
Pavla: czech: Little
Philana: greek: Lover of mankind
Quintina: latin: Fifth
Radinka: slavic: Active
Rafiyyah (rah-fee-ah): muslim: High, lifting up
Rananah: hebrew: Fresh
Rashida: muslim: Intelligent
Rawnie: gypsy: Non-gypsy; fine lady
Rayyah: muslim: Aroma, fragrance
Rei (ray): japanese: Gratitude
Roshannah: muslim: Skylight, bright
Saba: greek: Woman of Sheba
Sabbirah (sah-beer-ah): muslim: Patient, enduring
Sabreen: muslim: Patient
Salina: french: Solemn
Salima: muslim: Safe from harm
Salena/Salina: latin: Soft
Searlait (shair-let): french: Petite
Semele (seh-mee-lee): latin: Once
Sidona: hebrew: Enticing
Sileas: latin: Youth
Sofi: greek: Wisdom
Soledad (so-leh- thath): spanish: Solitary, health
Sonia: greek:Wisdom
Sophie: greek: Wisdom
Stefania/Stephanie: greek: Crown
Sumi: japanese: Clear, refined
Taffy/Taffie: welsh: Beloved; the candy
Takara: japanese: Treasure, precious object
Talia: hebrew: Dew
Tamiz: persian: Clean, tidy
Tawnie: english: Little one
Tehya: native american: Precious
Temirah: hebrew: Tall, erect; “like a palm”
Thakura: sikhism: Master or Mistress
Thalia: greek: To flourish, to bloom
Thara (tah-hee- rah): arabic: Wealth
Tienette (tee-ah-net): greek: Crowned with laurel
Treva: celtic: Prudent
Tola: polish: Priceless
Uhuru (oo-hoo-ru): kiswahili: Freedom
Una: latin: One; Unity
Vidya: indian: Wisdom, knowledge
Virdis: latin: Youthful and blooming
Vivienne: french: Lively
Wanda: old german: Kindred
Wapeka: native american: Skillful
Xenia: greek: Hospitality
Yetta: welsh: To give
Zaza: hebrew: Movement
Zel: turkish: Private, special
Zena (zah-nah): ethiopian: Fame
Zena: persian/hebrew: Woman; stranger
Zenia: greek: Hospitality
Zevida: hebrew: Gift
Zikiyah (zah-kee-ah): swahili: Smart, intelligent
Zosia (zoh-shuh): polish: Wise
(Male Names)
Akil: arabic: Intelligent, thoughtful
Anthony: latin: Priceless
Casca: roman: A surname
Coleman: old english: Follower of Nicholas
Danesh: persian: Knowledge
Malik: arabic: Master
Miner: latin: Youth
Nicholas: greek: Victory of the people
Palmer: old english: Palm-bearer
Pascal: hebrew: Passover
Reeve: middle english: Bailiff
Rhys: old welsh: Rash, ardent
Robi: hungarian: Shining with fame
Sahale: native american: Above
Selwyn: old english: Manor-friend
Stephen/Steven: greek: Crown
Tai (tah- ee): vietnamese: Talent
Thai (tigh): vietnamese: Many, multiple
Thakur: sikhism: Master
Trent: latin: Torrent
Trey: middle english: Three
Tristan: welsh: Clamor
Zaid (za-heed): african: Increase, growth
Ardith: teutonic: Rich gift
Audris: teutonic: Wealthy
Avaz: persian: Voice, singing
Cassidy: irish: Clever
Dallan/Dallas: celtic: Wise
Darshan: sikhism: Vision
Dit: sikhism: Given
Nav: sikhism: New
Sheridan: irish: Wild
Udai (oo-day or ee-oo-day): sikhism: Rising
Valentine: latin: Healthy
Xiao: chinese: Small