Quick Guides:
Female Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Male Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
(Female Names)
Aaminah: muslim: Lady of peace and harmony
Aanisah/Anisa: muslim: Pious-hearted Lady; Good-natured
Aasta: norse: Love
Abigail: hebrew: Father of Joy; father’s joy
Abira (ah-beer-ah): hebrew: Strong
Adara/Adra: arabic: Virgin
Adilah: muslim: “One who deals justly”
Adira: herbrew: Mighty; strong
Adiva: arabic: Pleasant and gentle
Adoncia (ah-dohn-chuh): spanish: Sweet
Adora: latin: Beloved; adored
Affrica/Afrika/Africa: irish: Pleasant
Agapi: greek: Love, affection
Agate: greek: Kind
Agatha: greek: Good
Agave: greek: Illustrious, noble
Agnes (ag-nes): greek: Chaste
Ahava (ah-hah-vah): hebrew: Beloved
Ahimsa: hindu: Nonviolent virtue
Ai: japanese: Love
Aida: arabian: Reward, pleasant
Aiko: japanese: Child of love; Little loved one
Aila: finnish: Light-bearer
Ailsa/Alyssa: teutonic: Of good cheer
Aine (an-yuh): celtic: Joy
Aintzane (ah-ee-tsah-neh): basque: Glorious
Aisha (ah-ee-sha): swahili-arabic: Life, alive
Akilah: arabic: Intelligent, logical
Akiva: hebrew: Protect
Alazne (ah-lahz-nee): basque: Miracle
Aldea: teutonic : Rich
Alethea: greek: Truth
Alicia/Alice: greek: Truthful one
Alina: polish: Bright and beautiful; Light
Aliza/Aleeza/Alisa: hebrew: Joyous; Great happiness
Aliz: hungarian: Kind
Allegra/Alegra: latin: Joyful, merry, lively
Alodie: anglo-saxon: Wealthy
Althea: greek: Wholesome
Amabel: latin: Lovable
Amadika: southern rhodesian: Beloved
Amamndine: latin: Beloved
Amata: spanish: Beloved
Amelia: latin: Industrious
Amina: muslim: Peace, security; Trustworthy; faithful, honest
Amissa: hebrew: Friend
Amity: latin: Friendship
Amy: latin: Beloved
An: chinese: Peace
Ananda: hindu: Bliss
Andreana: latin: Womanly
Aneska/Anezka (ah-nehz-kah): czech: Pure
Aneesh: muslim: Companion, affectionate friend
Anica: spanish: Graceful
Anisa: arabic: Friendly
Anke: hebrew: Grace
Anne: hebrew: Full of Grace
Annika: swedish: grace
Annora: latin: Honor
Anoush: armenian: Sweet
‘Aolani: hawaiian: Heavenly cloud
Aprika: gaelic: Pleasant
Antje (ahnt-yah): german: Grace
Aquene (ah-kay-nay): native american: Peace
Aquilah: muslim: Intelligent
Ardella: latin: Wealth
Aretha: greek: Best
Aretina: greek: Virtuous
Ariadne/Ariana: greek: Very holy one
Aruna: hindu: Radiance
Asenka: hebrew: Graceful
Asha: african: Life
Ashira: hebrew: Wealthy
Audrey: old english: Noble strength; Strength to overcome
Ayoka: nigerian: One who causes joy all around
Bahijah (bah-hee-yah): muslim: Joyful, delightful, happy
Basheera: muslim: Good news
Basimah: muslim: Smiling one
Bayo: nigerian: To find joy
Beatrice: latin: Bringer of joy
Betha: celtic: Life
Blanda/Blenda: teutonic: Dazzling
Bliss: english: Joy
Blythe: english: Joyful
Briana: celtic: The strong, powerful
Cara: gaelic: Friend
Caresse: french: Beloved
Carissa: greek: Beloved
Caron: french: Pure
Casta: greek: Purity
Catalin/Caitlin/Caitlyn/Caitrin: irish: Pure
Caterina: italian: Pure
Catherine: greek: Pure
Catriona: gaelic: Pure
Charis: greek: Grace, kindness
Charisma/Carisma: latin: Charm or charming; Charismatic
Chastity: latin: Purity
Chaya: hebrew: Life
Chiara: latin: Light
Clara: greek: Bright and clear
Corazon: fillipino: Heart
Cordelia: latin: Heart
Ciar (keer): irish: Saint’s name
Dalila: kenyan: Gentle
Damara: greek: Gentle
Dara: hebrew: Compassionate
Deka: somali: One who pleases
Deliciae/Delicia: latin: Sweetheart; Delightful one
Dembe: ungandan: Peace
Dena/Dinah: hebrew: Judgement
Dilshad (deel-shad): persian: “Of happy heart”
Ditza: hebrew: Joy
Durriyyah (doo-ree-yah): muslim: Brilliant, glittering
Electra: greek: The shining one
Elysia (e-lee-shuh): latin: Sweetly blissful
Emine: turkish: Confident
Eshe (ay-shay): swahili: Life
Etana: hebrew: Strong
Ethelind: teutonic: Nobly wise
Farah: muslim: Joy, cheerful
Farhannah (fahr-hah-nah): muslim: Glad, joyful
Felicia: latin: Happy
Felicite: french: Fortunate
Felicity: latin: Happiness
Femi: african: Love me
Garda: teutonic: Protected
Geela: hebrew: Joyful
Gelasia (gah-lay-shuh): greek: Predisposed to laughter
Gerda: german: Protection
Gleda: old english: To make happy
Grania: gaelic: Love
Guls: turkish: Laugh
Hana: muslim: Happiness, peace of mind
Hanifah: muslim: True, upright
Harika: turkish: Marvelous, wonderous
Hei/Hea (heh-ah): korean: Grace
Helen/Helena: greek: Light; a torch
Ida: teutonic: Happy
Ihsan (igh-sahn?): muslim: Charity
Ilona: greek: Light
Ilsa (ehl-sah): teutonic: Gaitey
Jocosa: latin: Gleeful
Joyce: french: Joyful
Jun: japanese: Pure
Justine: latin: Just; justice
Kaie (kigh-ee): celtic: Combat
Kamilah: arabic: The perfect one
Karen: english: Pure
Karima: middle eastern: Generous
Karimah: african: Generous
Kathrine/Kathryn/Katherine/Katie: greek: Pure
Kichi (kigh-chee): japanese: Fortunate
Kiyo: japanese: Pure
Kiyoko: japanese: Pure child
Kyla/Kylia: gaelic: Lovely
Lacie: greek: Cheerful
Lalasa: hindu: Love
Larissa: russian: Cheerful one
Larisa/Larissa: latin: Cheerful
Lateefah: north african: Gentle, pleasant
Latifa: african: Pleasant, gentle, good humor
Laveda (lah-vee-dah): latin: Innocent one
Laurel/Laureen/Laura: latin: Honor
Leba: yiddish: Beloved
Lena: greek: Light
Lene: norwegian: Illustrious
Leora: greek: Light
Leorah: hebrew: Light to me
Limber: african: Joyfulness
Lina: middle eastern: Tender
Lisa/Lisette: hebrew/french: Concencrate to god
Litsa (leet-sah): greek: One who brings good news
Liv: norwegian: Life
Luana: hawaiian: Enjoyment
Lucerna: latin: Candle-light
Lucia: italian: Light
Lucinda/Lukene: latin: Bringer of light
Lucretia: latin: Brings light
Lucy: latin: Light
Lukina: ukranian: Graceful and bright
Mabel: latin: Loveable
Mahalia: hebrew: Affection
Mai: japanese: Brightness
Maisha (mah-ee-sha): kiswahili: Life
Maitane (may-tah-nee): old english: Beloved
Makoto: japanese: Truth; sincerity
Malinda: greek: Gentle one
Malu: hawaiian: Peacefulness
Manda: latin: Loveable, harmony
Mandisa: african: Sweet
Margaret: persian: Child of light
Marmara: greek: Radiant
Marnina: hebrew: Cause of joy
Meara: irish: Merry
Medicina: latin: Medicine
Megan: anglo-saxon: Strong, able
Meira: isreali: Light
Meira: hebrew: Light, connotation of sharing one’s light with
Melisanda: spanish: Honest, diligent
Melosa: spanish: Sweet
Merhamet: turkish: Mercy
Merrie: hebrew: Joyous; merry
Milena: german-jewish: Mild, peaceful
Minka: teutonic: Strong, resolute
Minna: teutonic: Resolute, strong, love
Mira: latin: short for Miranda/Miriam; “strong, wonderful”
Mirella/Mirabella: latin: Of great beauty
Miremba: ugandan: Peace
Miremba/Mireya/Mirielle: latin/spanish/french: Miraculous
Misericordia: latin: Mercy
Mochou: chinese: Sorrowfree
Moyna: celtic: Gentle, soft
Muneerah: muslim: Brilliant, shining, something that reflects
Na’imah (nah-ee-mah): muslim: Blessing, Happiness
Nadia/Nadine: russian: Hope
Nadhirrah (nahd-heer-ah): muslim: Bright face with lustre and
noor; healthy and happy
Nadima: muslim: Companion, friend
Nafeesah: muslim: refined, pure, exquisite
Najiyyah (nah-jee-yah): muslim: Friendly, affectionate
Nalini: sanskrit: Lovely
Naomi: hebrew: Sweet, pleasant
Nara: celtic: Happy
Nasya: hebrew: Miracle
Nayyirah (nay-yeer-ah): muslim: Luminous, shining, brilliant
Nediva: hebrew: Noble and generous
Nefsi/Nefis: turkish: Wonderful
Nehan: turkish: Happy lady
Neimah: hebrew: Pleasant
Nell: greek: Light
Nese (neh-seh or nee-seh): turkish: Joy
Neysa: greek: Pure
Nika: greek: Victory
Nina: hebrew: Grace
Nora (nohr-rah)/Nara (nah-rah): celtic: Honor
Nureen: jewish: Light
Nydia (nigh-dee-uh): latin: Refuge
Obelia: greek: Pillar of strength
Olayinka: yoruban: Honor surround me
Ona: lithuanian: Graceful one
Oralee: hebrew: My light
Oran/Ora: hebrew: Light
Orli: hebrew: “Light is mine”
Osran: scottish: Peace
Penda: swahili-kiswahili: Beloved; “to love”
Phedra (fay- duh): greek: Bright
Phila: greek: Love
Phoebe: greek: Shining , brilliant
Pia: latin: Pious
Priya: indian: Loved one, darling
Quenby: scandinavian: Womanly
Radhiyah (rahd-hee-yah): swahili: Pleased, agreeable, contented
Rafiqa (rah-fee-kah): muslim: Sweetheart, companion
Raheemah: muslim: Kind, affectionate
Rai (righ): japanese: Trust
Rajaa (rah-jay or rah-juh): muslim: Hope
Rajeeyah: muslim: Hoping, full of hope
Rana: kiswahili: Happiness, rest
Rashida: african: Righteous
Raziya: swahili: Sweet, agreeable
Rayna: hebrew: Pure, clean
Rena: greek: Peace
Renana: hebrew: Joy, song
Risa: latin: Laughter
Robin: old english: One who shines with fame
Roni: hebrew: My joy
Roshni: indian: Light
Ruth: hebrew: Companion, friend
Saar-rah (sahr-rah not ‘sarah’): muslim: Lady who’s charming
manner brings joy
Sachi: japanese: Bliss
Sachiko: japanese: Bliss child
Sada: japanese: The chaste
Sadiyah: arabian: Lucky, good fortune
Sadiqah: muslim: Truthful, sincere
Safi/Saffiyah/Safiya: kiswahili: Clean, pure
Saidah (sah-ee-dah): african: Happy, fortunate
Sakari: native american: Sweet
Sakinah: muslim: Tranquility, calmness
Sakti: hindu: Energy, goodness
Salimah: arabic: Safe, healthy
Salome (sahl-oh- mee): hebrew: Peace
Saraid: celtic: Excellent
Sefa: turkish: Pleasure
Selima: hebrew/arabic: Hope/Peace
Serenity: latin: Tranquility; peace
Shakira: arabic: Grateful
Shani: swahili: Marvellous
Shobi: hebrew: Glorious
Sukutai (soo-koo-tay-ee): african: Hug
Sarisha: hindu: Charming
Shanata: hindu: Peaceful
Shanti: indian: Peace
Shina: japanese: Virtue, good
Shu: chinese: Good
Sinead (sin- ayd): irish: Gracious
Siobhan (shuh- vahn): irish: Gracious
Sitembile (see-tem-bee-leh): african: Trust
Sive (see- vuh): irish: Sweet
Soo: korean: Excellence, long life
Suad: muslim: Good fortune
Subhaga: india: A fortunate person
Suki: japanese: Beloved
Sun: korean: Goodness
Surrayyah: muslim: Free of worry; happy
Tahira: muslim: Pure, chaste, clean
Tahirah: arabic: Chaste, pure
Taite (tayt): anglo- saxon: Cheerful
Taka: japanese: Tall, honorable
Takiyah: north african: Pious, righteous
Takoda: native american: Friend to all
Tam (tham): vietnamese: Heart
Tamma: hebrew: Perfect
Tao: chinese: Peach, symbol of long life
Taslimah (tahs-leem-ah): muslim: Salutations, peace
Tateeyopa: native american: Happy hostess; her door
Temina: hebrew: Honest
Thadea: greek: Courageous
Thalia: greek: Joyful
Than (tan): vietnamese: Brilliant
Thana: arabic: Gratitude
Thirza: hebrew: Pleasant
Tirza: hebrew: Pleasant; Delightful, delight
Tracy/Tracey: latin: Bold and courageous
Treasa: irish: Strong
Trina: greek: Pure
Trind/Tryne (treend or treen): swedish-dutch: Pure
Ulani: polysnesian: Cheerful
Valora/Valoria: latin: The Valorous
Valene/Valora: latin: Strong
Valentina/Valerie: latin: Strong
Velika: old slavic: Great
Vera/Verity: latin-english: True, truth
Vevina: gaelic: Gaelic sweet lady
Vinaya: india: Good behavior
Vivien: english: Full of life
Vrinda (vreen- dah): hindu: Divine virtue and strength
Xaviera (zah-veer-ah): arabic: Brilliant
Yeira(yehr-ah): hebrew: Light
Yesmina: hebrew: Right hand, strength
Yeva: russian: Life- giving
Zada (zay-dah): syrian: Lucky one
Zahira: arabic: Shining, luminous
Zakia: hebrew: Bright, pure
Zarifah: muslim: Graceful
Zelenka: czech: Little innocent one
Zelia: greek: Zeal
Zemirah: hebrew: Song of joy; hospitable
Ziva: hebrew: Bright, radiant, aglow, splendor
Zoe (zoh- ee): greek: Life
Zohar (zoh-har): hebrew: Shining, brilliant
Zuhairah: muslim: Blossom, radiant, shining
Zulema: arabic: Peace
(Male Names)
Adley: hebrew: Just
Alacer: latin: Light-hearted
Alcander: greek: Strong
Anders: swedish: Strong, manly
Andrew: latin: Manly
Andrey: russian: Strong, manly
Andries: greek: Manly
Anker: greek: Manly
Aron/Aaron: hebrew: Enlightened
Arsen: greek: Strong
Arsenio: greek: Manly, virile
Asher: hebrew: Lucky, blessed, happy
Austin: latin: Majestic Dignity
Avis: welsh: Refuge in battle
Benen: irish: Blessed
Benett: latin: Blessed
Bem: nigerian: Peace
Bent: latin: Blessing
Bert: old english: Bright
Boone: french: Good
Brian: celtic: Strong, powerful
Cadan: turkish: Sincerely
Chaim (kigh-eem): hebrew: Life
Chance: french: Luck
Clement: french: Merciful
Cody: irish: Helpful
Cole: greek: People of victory
Darren: gaelic: Great
David: hebrew: Beloved
Dugan: english: To be worthy
Dust (doost): persian: Friend
Emlyn: latin: Charming
Felix: hebrew: Happy
Fergus: celtic: Of manly strength
Galen: gaelic: Calm
Isaac: hebrew: Laughing one
Itzak: hebrew: Laughter
Jeffery/Jeff: old german: Peace
Jerolin: latin: Holy name
Jivin: hindu: To give life
Kurt: old german: Courageous Advice
Leif: swedish: Beloved, descendant
Li (lee): chinese: Strength
Lucas: latin: Bringer of light
Lukyan (loo-ke-yan): russian: Bringer of light
Magnus/Myer: latin: Great
Max: latin: The greatest
Naeem: north african: Benevolent
Neron: spanish: Strong, stem
Noe (noh-eh): spanish: Peace, rest
Pax: latin: Peace
Radman: slavic: Joy
Ranen: hebrew: Joyous
Reese: welsh: Ardent one
Renny: gaelic: Small but mighty
Rhett: welsh: Enthusiastic
Riley: irish: Valiant
Salim: arabic: Peace
Seung (sung): korean: Successor, winning
Shing: chinese: Victory
Shunnar: arabic: Pleasant
Soloman/Solomon: hebrew: Peaceful
Soterios: greek: Savior
Stasio (stah-shyoh): polish: Stand of Glory
Sterling: english: Genuine, valued
Sulaiman (soo-lah-e-mahn): north african: Peaceful
Terence: latin: Tender, gracious, good
Torin: latin: Tender
Tovi: hebrew: Good
Valor: latin: Strong, brave
Vito: latin: Conqueror
Vincent: latin: Conquering
Walden: teutonic: Mighty
Xavier (zay-vyer): arabic: Bright
Zenon (seh- nohn): spanish: Living
Zion (zigh-un): hebrew: A sign, excellent
Ziven: slavic: Vigorous and alive
(Both genders)
Kou: japanese: Light, ray
Yasu: japanese: Peaceful or tranquil
You: japanese: Sunshine; Positive