Quick Guides:
Female Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Male Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
(Female Names)
Abebi: yoruba: We ask for her and she came to us; She came after
Abital/Avital: hebrew: My father is dew
Abir: arabian: Scent
Abra: arabian: Example, lesson
Advena: latin: Stranger
Akanke/Amoke: nigerian: To know her is to love(pet) her
Akisatan: african: Rags are not finished (with which to bury
Alake: yoruban: One to be petted if she survives
Aleshanee: native american: She plays all the time
Alike: nigerian: Girl who drives out beautiful women
Amara: kiswahili: Urgent news
Apara: yoruban: One who comes and goes
Arda/Ardah: hebrew: Bronzed; also the month of ‘Adar'(Feb-March)
Arienh (a-reen): irish: Pledge
Audun: norwegian: Deserted
Aurkene: basque: Presentation
Awenasa (ah-weh-nah-sah): native american: My home
Ayita: native american: First in the dance
Ayondela: african: “A little tree bends and bends, as we all
bend toward death.” Based on some philosophy.
Banjoko: african: Sit down (or stay) with me
Benazir (beh-nah-zeer): persian: “The like of whom was never
Bazi: persian: Play; game
Binnaz (bee-nahz): turkish: “A thousand blandishments”; charming
Calliope: greek: Beautiful voice
Comoedia: latin: Comedy
Culina: latin: Kitchen
Dagmar: danish: Joy of the Danes
Damalis: greek: One who gentles
Delilah: hebrew: 1)poor, 2)hair
Dena/Dinah: hebrew: Vindicated
Desiree: latin: So long hoped for
Dilys (dil-ees): welsh: Genuine
Durosimi: african: Wait and bury me; Don’t die before me
Ebru (eh-broo): turkish: Marbling (as on paper decoration)
Elita: french: Special one
Emalia: latin: Flirt
Eulalia (yoo-lay-lee-uh): greek: Fair of speech
Eve/Ive (eev-ah): kiswhili: To ripen
Fannah: ethiopian: Fun
Fayina: russian: Free one
Fikriyyah (fihk-ree-yah): muslim: meditative
Ghislaine (zhees-layn): french: Sweet pledge
Gilen (gigh-len): teutonic: Industrious pledge
Gilsa: teutonic: Pledge
Giselle (jih-zel): old german: A pledge
Grear: scottish: Watchful
Gytha/Githa (gay-thuh, gee-thah): anglo-saxon: Gift
Hali: hebrew: Necklace, place name
Halimah (hah-lee-mah): muslim: Lady of patience and perseverance
Helki: miwok indian: To touch
Hisa: japanese: Long-lasting
Hitomi: japanese: Eye
Huriye (hoo-ree-yahy): persian: “Like a Houri”; Maiden of paradise
Hwistaks: yakima indian: Dress that swishes
Icimanipi-Wihopawni: apache: Travels beautiful woman
Idola: greek: Idolized
Ide (ee-duh): irish: Thirst
Imogene (ee-moh-jeen): latin: Image
Inas (igh-nahs): muslim: Well-mannered
Isidore: french: Gift of ideas
Isoke (ee-soh-keh): african: Satisfying gift
Izanami: japanese: Female who invites
Jacqueline/Jamie: hebrew: Supplanter
Jael: hebrew: To ascend
Jaione (hah-oh-neh): basque: Nativity
Jarvia: old german: To flow downward
Jarvinia: german: Keen intelligence
Jendayi (jen-dah-ee): african: Give thanks
Jin: japanese: Super-excellent
Kanene (kah-neen): african: A little thing in the eye is big
Kasa: hopi indian: Fur-robed dress
Kei (kigh): japanese: Rapture, reverence
Kendra: welsh: Knowing woman
Keturah: hebrew: Fragrance
Kiran: hindu: Ray
Kosoko: african: There is no hoe (to dig a grave with)
Lakeisha: swahili: Favorite one
Lana: polynesian: To float
Leala: french: Loyal one
Lia: hebrew: Dependence
Liana: french: To bind
Linna: finnish: Castle
Luli: persian: Dancing girl
Lynn: anglo-saxon: A cascade
Lysandra: greek: Emancipation
Machupa (mah-choo-pah): kenyan: Likes to drink
Madeline: hebrew: Woman from Magdala
Maeve: gaelic: Intoxicating one
Mai: japanese: Dance
Mallory: french: Mailed
Melanie: greek: Dark-clothed
Mia/Michaela: hebrew: “Who is like God?”
Mirit: hebrew: Sweet-wine
Minnie: teutonic: Loving memory
Molomo: african: Don’t go back (to the spirit world)
Mona: greek: Solitary
Nadira: muslim: Rare, choice, precious
Naia (neh-uh): greek: Flowing
Na’ilah (nah-eel-ah): muslim: One who obtains favor
Naimah (nah-ee-mah): arabic: Living a soft, enjoyable life
Naina: india: Eyes
Najida: muslim: Courageous; one who accomplishes difficult tasks
Nasnan: native american: Surrounded by a song
Nazli: persian: Coquettish
Nefes: turkish: Breath
Nimah: arabic: Blessing, loan
Nitara: hindu: Deeply rooted
Noella: french: Christmas
Nori: japanese: Doctrine
Novia: latin: Newcomer
Nurhan: turkish: Bright lady
Nysa: greek: The goal
Nyssa: greek: Beginning
Odelia: hebrew: I will praise God
Odessa: greek: A long journey
Oliana: hawaiian: Oleander
Onida: native american: The expected one
Pascale (pas-cayl- ah): french: Easter
Peritia: latin: Knowledge of skill
Perfecte: latin: All-wise
Persis: greek: Woman from Persia
Pogadh (poh-gah-sh? or poh-guh): scottish: Kissing
Portia: latin: Offering
Pooja: india: Prayer
Priti: india: Satisfaction
Ramah: hebrew: High
Ranaa: muslim: To look
Rassia (ray-zah): old french: Thinker
Razi: arabian: My secret
Rebecca: hebrew: Tied
Reidun: norwegian: Nest-lovely
Rekha: india: Straight-line
Remy: french: From Rheims
Sabirah (sah-bee-rah): arabic: Patient
Sade (shar-day): nigerian: Honor confers a crown
Salihah: african: Correct
Samirah: arabic: Entertaining companion
Sarika: india: Thrush
Scientia: latin: Knowledge
Seema: greek: Symbol
Segulah: hebrew: Treasure
Serap: turkish: Mirage
Seza: persian: Punishment; reward
Shala/Shahlaa: muslim: Having grey eyes with shade of red; species
of Narcissis flower
Shandy: old english: Rambunctious
Shani: kenyan: Marvelous
Shani: kiswahili: Unusual thing; adventure
Sharman: english: A fair share
Shebari: gypsy: Gypsy girl of marriageable age; bride
Sheetal: india: Cool
Sheila: latin: Blind
Shela: celtic: Musical
Shreya: india: Auspicious
Sibongile (see-bahn-gee-lah): african: Thanks
Siddhi (seh-dee or see-dee): india: Then you must have a Riddhi
Siddiqah: muslim: “One who keeps her word”
Sikudhani (see-koo-than-ee): kenyan: A surprise
Simone: hebrew: One who hears
Skylar: welsh?: Sheltering
Skyler: norse: Projectile
Snana: native american: Jingles like little bells
Sophronia: greek: Foresighted
Stesha: russian: Crowned-one
Suravinda: india: A beautiful Yaksa/Yaksha (a broad term for nature spirit)
Tacita (tah-see-tuh): latin: To be silent
Taliah (tah-lee-ah): hebrew: Lambkin
Tamika: japanese: People
Tara: celtic: Tower, crag
Tayce (tay- see): french: Silence
Tekla/Thekla: greek: Divine fame
Tessera: latin: Password
Thais (thay-es): greek: The bond
Tiara: greek: Turban
Timora: hebrew: Tall (as a palm tree)
Tira: hebrew: Encampment/enclosure
Tosia (toh- shuh): latin: Inestimable
Trilby: italian: One who sings musical trills
Trishna: india: Thirst
Tryphena: latin: Dainty
Uma: hebrew: Nation
Uriana: greek: The unknown
Vala: old english: Chosen
Valonia: latin: Of the Vale
Vara: greek: The stranger
Velda: teutonic: Of great wisdom
Veronica: latin: True image
Vevila: gaelic: Woman with a melodious voice
Voleta: greek: Veiled one
Willow: middle english: Freedom
Wilona/Willa: anglo-saxon: The desired, wished for
Winda: swahili: Hunt
Wijdan (?): arabic: Ecstasy
Xenia/Ximena: greek: Hospitality to strangers
Ximena: greek: Unknown, stranger
Yemina/Yaminah: hebrew: Right hand
Zakiyah (zah-key-ah): muslim: Lady of keen perception and sharp
Zia: native american: Not known
Zimora: hebrew: Song of praise
Zina: african: Name
Zona: latin: A girth
(Male Names)
Achilles: greek: Without lips
Akello: ungandan: I have bought
Atman: hindu: The self
Baingana: ungandan: People are equal
Bicornis: latin: Two-horned
Bitalo: ungandan: Finger-licking
Blase: latin: Stammerer
Bud: german: To puff up
Burhan: arabic: Proof
Canute: norwegian: Knot
Ceasar: latin: To cut
Cody: old german: Possessions
Clyde: welsh: Heard from afar
Dallin: old welsh: Pride’s people
Damen: greek: Taming
Damon: greek: Constant
Darnell: english: Hidden nook
Dasodaha: apache: He only sits there
Delsin: native american: He is so
Desmond: celtic: Man of the world
Drew: old french: Sturdy
Durand: latin: Enduring
Dutch: german: The German
Eli (ee-ligh): hebrew: Elevation
Gage (gayj): old french: Pledge
Gamble: norse: Old
Garridan: english gypsy: You hid
Gaspar: spanish: Master of treasure
Halden: teutonic: Half Dane
Halian: zuni indian: Of Julius
Hamlin: french: Little home-lover
Hastings: german: Swift one
Henry: old german: Ruler of the home
Ineptus (igh-nep-toos): latin: Awkward
Izanagi: japanese: Male who invites
James/Jacobe/Jacques: hebrew-french: Supplanter
Janir: arabic: Comforter
Jarman: old english: German
Javier: french: January
Jed: arabic: The hand
Jeremiah: hebrew: Exalted of the Lord
Jordan: hebrew: Descending
Kasper: persian: A treasured secret
Kenan: hebrew: Possesion
Ker: english gypsy: House
Lawler: gaelic: Softspoken
Leron: arabic: The song is mine
Logan: irish: From the hollow
Lysander: greek: Liberator
Mander: english gypsy: From me
Montezuma: aztec: He frowned like a lord
Mukasa: ugandan: God’s chief administrator
Nalren: dene indian: He is thawed out
Nelek: polish: Like a horn
Nicanor: spanish: Victorious people
Nishan: armenian: Sign
Penn: old english: Enclosure
Roldan: teutonic: Fame of the land
Ronan: celtic: A pledge
Sam: hebrew: To hear
Samien (sa-migh-an): ?: To be heard
Saul: hebrew: Longed- for
Sebastian: greek: Venerable, revered
Seth: hebrew: Appointed one
Shammara: arabic: He girded his loins
Simon: hebrew: He who hears
Sivan (see-vahn): hebrew: The ninth month
Spencer: old english: Dispenser, keeper
Stoke: english: Village
Stoyan: bulgarian: To stay
Tate (tayt): native american: Windy, great talker
Tibalt: greek: People’s prince
Tiro/Tironis: latin: Greenhorn
Tong (tah-om): vietnamese: Fragrant
Tremaine: english: Farm with a stone monolith
Van: dutch: From, of; usually used as a sort of middle name,
particularly to a title.
Walker: english: One who thicken cloth
Winston: english: Town of victory
Ximen (zee-mehn): spanish: Obedient
Yale: german: One who pays or produces
Yarin: hebrew: To understand
Akal: sikhism: Eternal
Bali: persian: Yes
Cassidy: irish: Clever
Gat: sikhism: Freedom
Neshin: persian: Sit
Omnsciens (ohmn-see-ehns): latin: All-knowing
Qadim: persian: Old, ancient
Sarkash: persian: Stubborn
Shano: persian: Hear
Sheridon: irish: Wild one
Solarium: latin: Sun-dial
Zahmat: persian: Trouble